在 Pop Circle,我們致力於為所有會員和參加者提供卓越的體驗。為了確保公平性及活動的順利進行,我們的退款政策如下:
若取消時間超過 活動前一晚上11:59,單次活動門票將 不予退款。此截止時間使我們能夠確認最終安排,確保所有參加者能有順暢的體驗。
- 若您在截止時間 之前 取消門票,系統將自動處理退款。
- 超過截止時間後,恕不受理任何退款申請。
我們理解意外情況有時難以避免。雖然我們無法保證退款,但若您對您的預訂有任何疑問或特殊情況,歡迎隨時聯繫我們的團隊,我們將盡力協助您,讓您享受最好的 Pop Circle 體驗。
感謝您的理解與支持,協助我們為 Pop Circle 社群提供穩定且高品質的活動體驗。
Refund Policy
At Pop Circle, we strive to deliver exceptional experiences for all our members and participants. To ensure fairness and smooth operations, our refund policy is as follows:
No Refunds for Single Event Tickets After 11:59 PM Previous day
Single event tickets are non-refundable if canceled after 11:59 PM of the previous day of the scheduled event week. This deadline allows us to finalize arrangements and ensure a seamless experience for all attendees.
- If you cancel your ticket before the deadline, a refund will be automatically processed.
- After the deadline, refunds will not be issued under any circumstances.
Special Circumstances
We understand that unforeseen situations may arise. While we cannot guarantee refunds, feel free to reach out to our team with any questions or concerns about your reservation. We’re here to help you make the most of your Pop Circle experience.
Thank you for your understanding and support in helping us create a consistent and high-quality experience for everyone in the Pop Circle community.